Chiropractic treatment focuses on pain in muscles and joints. Chiropractors mainly treat issues like back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, elbow pain and pain from osteoarthritis. Chiropractic treatment is not widely available on the NHS, so most people go private.
How can a chiropractor help me?
Chiropractic treatment usually involves ‘hands-on’ manual therapy, which might include manipulating your spine and stretching your muscles. Many people get pain relief from ‘back-cracking,’ which is a chiropractic specialism.
A chiropractor may refer you for diagnostic imaging, such as an MRI scan, an X-ray or an ultrasound scan. Sometimes they might refer you to a specialised consultant.
How do I get a chiropractic appointment?
To book a chiropractic appointment, or for help finding the right practitioner for you, give us a call or leave us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Our friendly team will take the time to understand your healthcare concern, before providing you with options for healthcare practitioners you can see. You can find the right practitioner for you, at a time that suits you, for an affordable price.
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