Posted on Wed Sep 18, 2019
Are you ready for rugby pre-season training? Here are 8 great exercises to minimise the risk of injury, whether it’s on the pitch or during training, from Dan Watson and Nick Naylor, physios at London Broncos RL.
The key outcome of pre-season is preparation for the demands of the regular season rugby. Specifically, are you fit enough, strong enough and used to tackling and been tackled!
This time of the year is your chance to build a solid foundation so you’re well prepared for the season ahead.
The greatest risk of developing an injury is having a previous injury. This is normally due to inadequate rehabilitation, resulting in prolonged muscle weakness and/or movement deficits.
Investigating previous injuries and performing screening, including strength and range of motion tests to areas such as the ankles, knees and shoulder, is very important in helping our athletes prepare.
If there are any specific deficits from the screening, we address these in a 15 minute period prior to team warm up.
The following examples are a series of common exercises we give to players to complete during this period.
Players who are diligent with these preparatory exercises tend to cope with their hectic training and game schedules:
Band sits around front of foot with moderate tension, keep foot flat on the floor and push knee over foot. 1 min each side.
In a lunge position, tense glutes and abs to tilt pelvis. This should stretch the front part of thigh/pelvis. Raise hand to increase intensity. 45 sec each side.
Keep front of foot on step, lift onto toes and ensure the movement is isolated to your ankle. Weight = 30% of body weight. 2 sets of 12 reps.
Shoulders on bench (or floor), allow hips to dip and drive up using glutes. Maintain tension in abs throughout. 2 sets of 8 reps.
Side plank position on elbows, create as straight a line as possible along shoulders, hips and ankles. Maintain tension in glutes and abs, lift top up keeping it as straight as possible. 2 sets of 5 reps.
Slowly lower to box height only touching with lightest possible pressure. Avoid weight transferring excessively forward or backward by focusing keeping even pressure throughout planted foot and keeping pelvis square to prevent knee drifting inwards. 2 sets of 8 reps each side.
Band at shoulder height, pull apart horizontally. Squeeze shoulder blades together at the end of the range. 2 sets of 12 reps.
Light resistance on band, elbows at side with palms facing upwards. Rotate outwards, squeezing shoulder blades at the end of the range. 2 sets of 8 reps.
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